
Research Interests

My research interests are about game theory, fairness, probabilities and optimization. My current research revolves around fairness in two-sided matching processes. In particular, in the example of the college admission problem, I am investigating how grades’ distributional differences (bias, variance, correlation,…) between different groups of the population can lead to different outcome distributions.


Statistical Discrimination in Stable Matchings – Rémi Castera, Patrick Loiseau and Bary Pradelski – ACM’s 23rd Conference on Economics and Computation (2022)

Working Papers

Ranking Correlation in Matching Markets – Rémi Castera, Patrick Loiseau and Bary Pradelski (2024)
The Price of Fairness in Bipartite Matching – Rémi Castera, Felipe Garrido-Lucero, Mathieu Molina, Simon Mauras, Patrick Loiseau, Vianney Perchet (2024)

Talks in international conferences

11/06/22: 12th Conference on Economic Design (Padova, Italy)
13/07/22: 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (Boulder, CO, USA)
18/07/22: 33rd Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory (Stony Brook, NY, USA)
11/12/23: From Matching to Markets: A Tale of Mathematics, Economics and Computer Science (CIRM, Marseille, France)
18/03/24: 19th Matching in Practice Workshop (Zurich, Switzerland)
21/06/24: Matching Markets and Inequality Workshop (Exeter, UK)
26/04/24: GAIMSS Workshop (Metz, France)


My PhD is funded by a grant from the French Higher Education and Research ministry, awarded to me by the MSTII graduate school. My work is also partially supported by MIAI @ Grenoble Alpes (ANR-19-P3IA-0003), and by the French National Research Agency (ANR) through grants ANR-20-CE23-0007 and ANR-19-CE48-0018-01.