Hello! I'm Rémi Castera

Since October 2021, I am a PhD student at Université Grenoble Alpes, in Grenoble’s Computer Science Laboratory (LIG). I am part of the POLARIS joint INRIA/LIG team, and advised by Patrick Loiseau and Bary Pradelski.

I hold an Engineering Degree in Applied Mathematics from Ecole Polytechnique, as well as a MSc in Optimization and Game Theory from Paris-Saclay University and Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Prior to that, I graduated with a BSc in General and Applied Mathematics from Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University. Click here for my complete CV.

On November 1st 2024 I am starting a Postdoc at the Moroccan Center for Game Theory with Professor Rida Laraki.

Latest news

I will be presenting my paper "Ranking Correlation in Matching Markets" at the Matching Markets and Inequality Workshop in Exeter on June 20-21!